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The tiger knew the sun was hot, So to the stream he went, Because he liked the stream a lot, Thought it was Heaven-sent... The trick was just to be alone, N...
If this starts off your poetry, Edit to complete it! Or else it stays a mystery When folks try to read it! Why leave your poems in a state? So let this ...
Depending on your point of view, If you think they're first rate, We know what lion cubs can do, But triplets can be great! Yes, lion cubs are little tykes!...
The awesome tiger walked close by, without a single clue, For I was hidden, safe and dry and there my wonder grew. This spectacle that few have seen and lived ...
Above the water, all alone, He stares impatiently, Another passing fish to own, If not escaping free... Just perched perchance to grab a meal, Before it dar...